Don R

Don R.
Golf Cart Accident
In 2009 I got in a bad golf cart accident. My friend was driving very fast and crashed into another golf cart. The impact sent me through the front windshield severely injuring my neck. I sought out several doctors including a local chiropractor. The chiropractor worked on me for almost a year but felt that my injury was very severe in the upper part of my neck. I couldn’t move my neck very well. I was in a tremendous amount of pain and the nerve damage in my neck caused me to lose 50% of my strength in my right arm.

I wasn’t getting any better so my chiropractor referred me to an upper cervical specialist, Dr. Roth. He did a specialized nerve scan and x-rays and found that my atlas and axis bones were twisted and jammed to one side, pinching on my brain stem. Within a couple of adjustments I could start to feel like I was improving. I had less pain and more range of motion in my neck. I could also slowly start to feel the strength come back in my arm. Within a year, Dr. Roth has gotten me back to 100%. I am thankful for the chiropractor that referred me to Dr. Roth and thankful for the diagnosis and treatment that I received. I can now play golf and work out like I used to before my accident. Don R.

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